Sunday, October 13, 2013

My first word!

Hi, from Hannah!

Daddy went to visit Nana and Papa Hesterberg in Colorado. A few days before Father's Day, Mommy was taking a video of me and I gave Daddy a special message .... can you hear what I said?

I love you, Daddy!


Friday, October 11, 2013

All tired out

Hi, from Hannah!

After all that family visiting, I was tuckered out! Thanks for my baby, Knotts!


Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Family photos

Hi, from Hannah!

When all the Hesterbergs were here for my baptism, we used the opportunity to take a family photo!

We went to a cute little park near Uncle Erv and Aunt Stacie's house and we had such a beautiful day for outdoor photos.

Here are some pictures from the day:

My handsome Colorado cousins, Kaden and Brune 
My awesome West Des Moines cousins, Matthias and Kaylee

My Colorado family –
Aunt Kathy, Cousin Kaden, Cousin Brune, Uncle Tim

My West Des Moines family –
Uncle Erv, Cousin Mathias, Aunt Stacie, Cousin Kaylee

Aunt Kathy and Nana laughing

Papa and Nana Hesterberg

The original Hesterberg family
Papa and Nana
Uncle Erv, Aunt Kathy and Daddy

Papa and Nana and all the grandkids

What's everyone looking at? Oh, me! 

The whole Hesterberg family! 

Me takin' in the scenery

Me and my cousins

Mommy, Daddy and me

Daddy giving me a smooch!


Monday, October 7, 2013

Visit from the Armstrongs

Hi, from Hannah!

My baptism was the perfect time for the Armstrong family to travel here from Colorado to meet me!

Aunt Kathy and I had chatted on FaceTime a few times, but she was really excited to come and hold me in person.

On the trip from Colorado, Aunt Kathy asked my cousins Brune and Kaden who was going to hold me first. Neither one of them were very excited. I wonder if they thought I had cooties because I am a girl or something!

But when they got to our house, neither Brune nor Kaden would put me down. I am so lucky to have them make me giggle and give me snuggles!

I especially liked meeting Uncle Tim ... he has scratchy hair on his face and I couldn't stop touching it!

And Aunt Kathy brought me a whole bunch of storybooks that Brune and Kaden are too old for now. She read me all sorts of stories about Duffy the dog - he reminds me of Papa and Nana Hesterberg's dog, Trixie!

Here are some pictures from their visit:

Cousin Kaden was so sweet and told me all sorts of stories. 

Cousin Brune liked rocking me in my new chair.

Aunt Kathleen and Cousin Brune meeting me for the first time.

Cousin Kaden and Cousin Brune giving me snuggles.

Uncle Tim and the boys making me laugh.

Too bad Cousin Brune doesn't live closer ... he'd be one of my favorite babysitters!

Uncle Tim and Cousin Kaden loved making me smile. 

Cousin Brune is one of my favorites ... especially when he feeds me a bottle! 

I can't wait till I'm a little older and can go to Colorado and see them at their house! 


Saturday, October 5, 2013

I'm back!

Hi, from Hannah!

My mommy asked me to tell you all she's very sorry that we haven't been writing lately. She lost the cord that connects her camera to her computer, so all the cute pictures she's been taking of me have been held hostage on her camera. BUT! Now I'm back and ready to talk more about my baptism day!

I was super-excited to have my birth mom and birth dad and my birth mom's family come to church to help me celebrate that day.

From left to right: My birth dad, Danial; me being held by my birth mom's sister, Dulcie; my birth mom's sister, Savannah; My birth mom's mother, Shanda. Back row, my birth mom, Afton; my birth mom's dad, Ted

Dad was in charge of giving me snuggles before church started.
I didn't want to take my eyes off Papa Hesterberg during the ceremony.

Me with Grandma and Grandpa Ede. 

The whole Ede family!

Left to right: Aunt LeAnn, Cousin Liam, Great-Grandma Frances, Grandma Joanne, me, Grandpa Donald, Daddy, Mommy, Cousin Carver and Uncle Tony

Great-Grandma Ede got up at 4 in the morning to drive down in time to make it to the ceremony. Thanks, Grandma-Great! 

Grandma Ede made my beautiful baptism dress. 

Me with Aunt LeAnn and Uncle Tony – 2 of my Godparents

All of my cousins and friends hanging out on the porch. 

Mom and Dad with me after the service. So happy! 

Me with Aunt Stacie and Uncle Erv – 2 more Godparents. Thank you for hosting my party!

Me with Uncle Tim and Aunt Kathleen. 2 more Godparents! They were leaving to pick up their new puppy, Gracie! 

Cousin Kaylee and Cousin Matthias made me this beautiful banner. 

I promise I won't be gone long this time!


Monday, July 1, 2013

Baptism day

Hi, from Hannah!

On Mommy and Daddy's first date night, they went to a class at our church so I could be baptized.

I didn't know what that meant, aside from I got to hang out with Uncle Erv, Aunt Stacie, Cousin Matthias and Cousin Kaylee ...  but they were really excited so I just went with it.

A couple weeks ago, all of my family and friends started heading to Iowa for my baptism!

Grandma Ede made me a very beautiful dress. I felt like a pretty princess. She also brought me a gorgeous cross necklace and ring to wear that my Mommy also wore on her baptism day 35 years ago.

Mommy and Daddy chose all of my aunts and uncles and my birthparents to be my Godparents. And I was lucky enough to have my Papa Hesterberg help Pastor Dave Johnson baptize me.

The big day was Sunday, June 9. The service was at Lutheran Church of Hope at the 8:15 service. I heard a lot of grumbling from people that they had to wake up so early. I didn't have a problem waking up, because I am up with the birds every day! Hahahahahahaha!

After church, we all went back to Uncle Erv and Aunt Stacie's for a big party. We had so much food and everyone had a really fun time. My birth grandpa Ted made me a pretty pink cake shaped like a cross that said, "God Bless Our Hannah." It was super yummy ... but Mommy and Daddy wouldn't even let me have a taste. Meanies!

Here are a few pictures we took to celebrate the day
Me and my birth mom, Afton 
Me and my birthparents, Danial and Afton.
I was baptized on Danial's birthday, so we share a special day!

Me with Grandma and Grandpa Ede.
 Grandma Ede made my beautiful dress! 

Daddy, Grandma and Grandma Ede, Mommy and me

The whole Ede family! Aunt LeAnn, Cousin Carver, Great-Grandma Ede,
 Grandma Ede, Grandpa Ede, Daddy, Mommy, Cousin Carver and Uncle Tony

Great-Grandma Ede holding me. She and Grandpa Ede
left at 4:30 in the morning to make it in time for the baptism!

Grandma Ede is all smiles that the dress turned out so pretty!

Daddy bought me pretty pink petunias to decorate the tables.
Aunt Kathleen and Mommy wrapped these with paper and ribbon. 

Papa Hesterberg baptizing me, with Pastor Dave Johnson, Daddy, Cousin Carver and Mommy looking on. 

Aunt LeAnn and Uncle Tony giving me a snuggle.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

4 month pictures!

Hi, from Hannah!

Whew! The summer is just flying by ... here are some cutie pie pictures of me from my 4-month photo shoot.
