Hi, from Hannah!
I've had a big few days and wanted to share with you all the fun I've been having!
Our first night home, I was so excited to see my new digs that I stayed up all night long just looking around and around. Surprise, I'm a night owl! Jaimie took the majority of the night shift, but Rodney learned how to make my bottles, feed me and change my diaper (he even put my diaper on backward the first time ... rookie!) I straightened him out right away and it's been smooth sailing from there.
After my night of fun, all I wanted to do was sleep the day away. But that didn't work because I had my first doctor's appointment. I charmed all the ladies in the waiting room with my good looks and was a really good girl while Jaimie and Rodney filled out a bunch of paperwork.
Just waving hi! I'm all bundled up to go to the doctor. It was only 10 degrees today!
Then, the doctor wanted to get my height and weight, so I had to get out of my warm jammies and onto a cold table. I WAS NOT HAPPY! But, the doctor was because I was 7 lbs, 3.5 oz (with a diaper on), 20.75 inches long and my head is still small at 14.5 inches around. The doctor was really happy to see I am back up to birth weight. YES!
I had to go to another doctor's office to get my bilirubin level checked. I was looking a little jaundice, so the doctor just wanted to make sure that I didn't need to get wrapped up in a special blanket for a while. The doctor predicted my level would be at a 10 or 11 (15 is a cause for concern). But I'm full of surprises ... my level came back at 3.2. No special treatment needed! Just keep eating my formula and pooing to get all that yucky bilirubin out.
Rodney couldn't watch when the lab worker poked my foot with a sharp tool to get my blood drawn. But, I surprised everyone again when I didn't scream at all! I must take after my birth mom, who didn't even get an epidural during my delivery. Strong women rule!
Here's a picture of my feet ... I have super-long toes and fingers! I also like to kick my feet out of my jammies so everyone can see my pretty tootsies.
I had my first visitors today ... Grandma and Grandpa Ede came down from northeast Iowa to meet me! They didn't stay long, but Grandma is coming down to snuggle with me a little more this weekend.
Hanging out with Grandpa Don and Grandma Joanne. Thanks for coming to visit me!
Our first family photo! Jaimie and Rodney look a little tired. I wonder why? Hahahahaha!
Love, Hannah