Sunday, March 31, 2013

I'm a big girl now!

Hi, from Hannah!

Despite Mommy's best attempts to keep me little forever ... I am growing!

I had my 2-month check up recently, and guess what. I got bigger!

I am 12 pounds, 4 ounces. That's 4 pounds heavier than I was at 2 weeks old. I am 23 inches tall. I grew 2 inches since my last check up. And my head is 15.5 inches big ... that's 2.5 inches more than last time!

No wonder I was so uncomfortable when Mommy was stuffing me into newborn clothes until recently. Joke's on you, Mommy!

The doctor said I am meeting all my milestones and am growing just like I should be. She thinks I will have dark eyes and kept talking about how big my feet are. (Mommy's already looking for more places that sell giant shoes online ... I'm not sure if it's for me or her though!)

Look how I've grown!

Just born! January 16, 2013

5 weeks old ... February 23, 2013

8 weeks old! March 14, 2013
Pretty soon I'll have to get my 3-month pictures taken. Will you come back and see them?


Friday, March 29, 2013

Happy Easter!

Hi, from Hannah!

I hope you have a Happy Easter!

Here are some funny pictures that Mommy and Aunt Stacie made me take ...

I was being a funny girl though ... I kept kicking the eggs out of the basket whenever Aunt Stacie would take my picture! Hahahahaha ...


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Rolling along ...

Hi, from Hannah!

I've been doing some new tricks lately!

I am grasping at the toys hanging from my butterfly play gym. Here's a quick video of me playing!

But that's not all ...

When I was in playing in my gym recently, Mommy saw I had rolled from my back to my right side. I got so mad because I couldn't roll back over and had to yell for Mommy to help me. Mommy thought it was just a fluke, so she didn't think anything of it.

Then the next day, I rolled to my right side and got stuck ... then a little while later rolled to my left side and got stuck!

Here's a picture of me getting stuck. Hahahaha!

But that's not all ...

... on Sunday, I was watching tv in bed with Mom and Dad and I rolled from my back to my stomach! Watch out world ... I'm on the move!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Meeting the Easter Bunny!

Hi, from Hannah!

Yesterday, Mommy and Daddy dressed me up in a pretty outfit and put me in my carseat. (Which I HATE! I scream every time ... until we get going in the car and I fall asleep.)

Anyway, our trip was very short and I was happy.

When I woke up, I was getting my picture taken with a giant bunny! I didn't know what to think! He had funny glasses that I kept looking at. He did not make me smile, but that's okay. I think we still took a good picture together anyway. What do you think?

Hannah and the Easter Bunny – March 24, 2013


Sunday, March 17, 2013

Guess who's 2 months old?

Hi, from Hannah!

Mom and Dad can't believe I am already 2 months old! I was a smiley bug when Auntie Stacie came over for my 2-month photo shoot ... check out a few of my pictures below!

At 2 months old, I like:
My mommy and daddy ... a lot!
My binky ... a little!
Listening to music
My pink poodle, musical giraffe and skunk toys
When Mom and Dad wheel me around in my stroller (especially since Dad fixed the squeaky wheel)
My butterfly play gym
My taggie blankets
Ceiling fans

At 2 months old, I don't like:
Being in my car seat
Getting put down for a nap
When Mom and Dad are out of my sight
Generic Similac formula (sorry for all the spit ups lately, Mom!)

At 2 months old, I can:
Giggle and laugh ... a lot
Smile ... except when cameras are around
Chatter to myself ... especially in the mornings
Blow spit bubbles
Grasp toys on my butterfly play gym
Track movement by light, sound and toys

Significant milestones this month:
3/13 Rolled from back to left side, then from back to right side while in my play gym
3/15 Slept from 1 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. ... without interruption!

I am growing so fast ... Mommy and Daddy are taking me to the doctor soon for my 2-month checkup. We'll see how big I've gotten since my last appointment very soon!


Friday, March 15, 2013

Just monkeyin' around

Hi, from Hannah!

When we went to visit my birth mom's family, my Aunt Savannah asked Mommy if Hannah had any monkey shirts. Well, I don't have a shirt, but I do have this snuggly monkey outfit!

Despite my grouchy faces, I really like to wear it!


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Whoo's a pretty girl?

Hi, from Hannah!

My daddy loves owls, so Mommy dressed me up in this outfit just for him!

Whoo's a pretty girl?

As soon as Mommy snapped this photo, I moved my arm and my owl flew across me to the
other side of my bouncer! I was so surprised, I had to let out a little squeal! 


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

All smiles!

Hi, from Hannah!

Mommy's been catching my smiles on camera lately ... do you want to see one?

Hamming for the camera!

I hope you have a happy day!


Saturday, March 9, 2013


Hi, from Hannah!

On Monday, Mommy took me for a girls' night out. Her friends from book club were so excited to meet me, they threw me a surprise baby shower!

Can you guess what the presents were?

That's right! Books and diapers! Plus wipes, toys and cute outfits I can't wait to wear when I get older.

I was so surprised by all the gifts, I didn't make a peep the whole time we were at the party! (And I snoozed most of the next day, too!)

Thanks for all the gifts and snuggles, friends!


Thursday, March 7, 2013

My first church service ... and meeting my birth family!

Hi, from Hannah!

Sunday was a very big day for me. It was the very first time Mommy and Daddy took me to church!

When I was just born, my doctor told Mommy and Daddy to stay away from places with large crowds so I didn't get the flu or RSV. So, we've been watching church services online instead of worshipping together so I stay healthy.

Now that I'm a little older, we all thought it'd be a good idea to use church as my first outing!

But instead of going to the big church where Mommy and Daddy are members, we loaded up the car and drove to a smaller church where my birth mom's father is the pastor.

Everyone was so excited to see me ... especially my birth mom and dad. Lots of people came up and said hello and told me how beautiful I am. =)

But my favorite part of the service was when my birth mom's mother sang a very special song about adoption for my birth mom and me! My birth grandma is also adopted, so we share a very special bond. I'm so excited I got to meet her and hear her beautiful song!

After church, we drove to my birth mom's parents' house for lunch. It was so yummy and I really loved the pretty pink bouncy seat I got to sit in there.

My birth mom's sister, Savannah, said that I must like to dance because every time I heard the music on the bouncy chair, I would kick my legs and move my arms like I was dancing. Savannah is my new best friend and she makes me smile and giggle a lot!

Mommy and Daddy enjoyed visiting with my birth mom and dad and also with her dad, mom, and two sisters. I can't wait to get to know them all better in the future!

Me with my birth Aunt Savannah

Mommy, Daddy, My birth mom, My birth dad and me

My birth grandpa and grandma with me 
My birth mom's family and me

Me chatting with my birth grandma. She was at the hospital when I was born. She laughed at my chubby little legs! 

Me with my birth Aunt Dulcie

Me with my birth dad and mom. Who do you think I resemble the most?

My birth dad and I cuddling on the couch
I had such a fun day. I hope we all get a chance to hang out again really soon!


Monday, March 4, 2013

Giggly girl!

Hi, from Hannah!

Every day, Mom and Dad put me on a soft blanket and put me under a toy that has flashing lights, music and a mirror so I can look at myself. The music really makes me giggle and "dance" (I like to kick my arms and legs a lot ... especially when my favorite song with frog ribbits comes on. Want to see me "dance?" Take a peek at the video below:


Friday, March 1, 2013

New pictures!

Hi, from Hannah!

My auntie Stacie came over on Saturday and took a bunch of pictures of me. I think she did a great job of making me look cute. What do you think?

One month old! 

My onesie says it all. 

Mommy and Daddy are so happy I'm here! 

Have a great weekend!