Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Rolling along ...

Hi, from Hannah!

I've been doing some new tricks lately!

I am grasping at the toys hanging from my butterfly play gym. Here's a quick video of me playing!

But that's not all ...

When I was in playing in my gym recently, Mommy saw I had rolled from my back to my right side. I got so mad because I couldn't roll back over and had to yell for Mommy to help me. Mommy thought it was just a fluke, so she didn't think anything of it.

Then the next day, I rolled to my right side and got stuck ... then a little while later rolled to my left side and got stuck!

Here's a picture of me getting stuck. Hahahaha!

But that's not all ...

... on Sunday, I was watching tv in bed with Mom and Dad and I rolled from my back to my stomach! Watch out world ... I'm on the move!

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